Head Return Spring for Wadkin BRA & Others 5kg


Head Return Spring for Wadkin BRA & Others 5kg

£98.00 + VAT

GL Head Return Spring
Model MSB 5000
Capacity up to 5kg



Main Features
Increased Productivity
Reduces Operator Fatique
Extend Tool Life
Small Size
Convenient and easy adjustment of tension by rotary adjustment

The GL Head Return Spring 5Kg is a cost efficient and compact unit which can be installed with ease, either to your existing Radial Arm Saw, Crosscut Machine or work station.

The steel housing is made from a heavy duty shell which is also rustproof due to it’s heavy chrome finish.

The steel rope is made from 3.5mm heavy duty wire which together with it’s robust construction gives an extended tool life.
A ball shaped damper is fitted to the end of the wire, which is adjustable and enables the user to have different tool heights in it’s recovery stroke.

Conway Saw are one of the UK’s leading woodworking machinery specialists offering a range of new and used wood cutting machines. We sell a variety of machines including up cut saws, bandsaws, radial arm saws, spindle moulders and edgebanders. We also sell a number of woodworking consumables including head return springs, glue applicators, Wadkin spares and other tooling such as rubber feed rollers, sash cramps and mortising tools.

Call 0121 553 5461